Sunday, 9 December 2012


It's easy to think of new resolutions but it's harder to obey them! I've been thinking of my new diet plan for a long time and I finally managed to create it! But before I show it to you, I'd like to mention that I lost some weight, as well! I was on a 3-day fast and the scale showed... 61,5 kg (135 lbs). I'm so happy! I'm not overweight anymore :)

And now, 'cause I suppose everyone's so curious and excited, here's my new plan that I'm going to follow:

General rules, just to start with: 

  • 3 main meals (breakfast between 7:30 - 9:00, lunch at 13:00 and very light dinner at 18:00)  + 2 snacks (one piece of chocolate around 10:00 - 11:00 and some veggies at 15:00);
  • At least 8 glasses of water per day! Two of them have to be warm with squeezed lemon juice - it bursts my metabolizm and lowers my appetite; 
  • Total calorie intake per day: 500. If I really feel like binging - maximum 800 calories;
  • You can skip snacks but never skip the main meals;
  • Minimum 30 minutes of working out each day + 100 jumping jacks;
  • My meals should look nice and colorful and I can only use small plates;
  • At least two green teas a day;
  • 7-10 hrs of sleep.

I won't: binge, be lazy, stay up late, make excuses, skip meals, weight myself every day.
I will: not give up, be active, obey the rules, treat my body like a temple, get up early and kickstart my day with a positive attitude and balanced breaky, weight myself once a week, write on this blog more often, make new friends.

My daily plan:

  • Wake up early (between 7 - 9 o'clock) feeling positive, motivated and ready to go
  • Turn on the radio to make the day happier from the start.
  • Go into the kitchen and get a glass of warm water with squeezed lemon juice.
  • Do 15 minutes light exercise! Dance as the music's playing and do 100 jumping jacks!
  • Have a shower.
  • 7:30 - 9:00 - time for small and clean breaky. Eat something light and healthy (it must be something that'll keep you feel full for a couple of hours). You can eat a cup of natural yogurt with an apple OR egg whites with green or red veggies OR cereal with hot water and a little bit of milk. (Breakfast should be UP TO 200 cals).
  • Now you have 20 minutes to relax! Reply to your e-mails, check Facebook, blogs, news... After twenty minutes walk your dog for 30 minutes OR, if it's too cold outside, do your favourite exercises indoors for 60 minutes.
  • Continue with your daily activities and responsibilities, not forgetting about drinking a glass of water every hour.
  • 10:00 - 11:00 - eat O.N.E. piece of chocolate. Don't eat the chocolate if you don't feel like it. It's not neccessary.
Mid day and afternoon:
  • 13:00 - time for lunch! Eat raw veggies (even canned beans and corn ♥) OR fruits OR cottage cheese OR a cup of natural yogurt. Remember that it has to be a medium-sized meal (UP TO 150 cals).
  • Study, draw, write, go online... Do whatever you need/like to do. Go shopping if there are no necessary products! 
  • 15:00 - snack time! Eat some veggies like raw carrots. No canned veggies here!!! You also can have dried carrots. (UP TO 70 cals).
  • 18:00 - time for some SMALL dinner. It has to be small because it's already late. Your dinner should consist of proteins (egg whites, tofu) with raw vegetables. (UP TO 80 cals). 
  • 20 minutes after dinner, have another glass of warm water with lemon juice. Lemon is good for detoxing.
  • Go to bed four hours after dinner (at 22:00 the earliest). Remain active within this time! Clean the whole house, do laundry and the dishes, clean up in your room and do anything that keeps you moving!
  • Don't forget to post notes about your daily progress on this blog and write in your private diary! Do something that'll keep your mind off of food! Add pics on tumblr, chat to your friends or read a book!

I hope yous like my new plan! I'm excited about it and I'm going to start it tomorrow! I have to go to sleep now but before I shut down mu computer, I'd like to mention an amazing girl who has a blog
Her posts & pics helped me a lot with getting my new plan ready! 

Friday, 23 November 2012

How did I survive through a fasting day.

Recently I've made a successful no-food day! Fasting isn't easy but only if you decide not to do anything for the whole day! How did I survive then?
  • I made a looong list of things and kept my mind off of food for the whole day. My list contained things like cleaning, doing the dishes, doing laundry, taking out the trash, walking the dog for 30 minutes or longer, writing on my blog (I have another blog in Polish, too), reading stuff for college, studying for my theoretical driving test, etc...
  • I decided not to open the fridge at all. I didn't even come closer to it :)
  • I got a thinspo diary - I bought a beautiful notebook with a flowery cover and made notes in it. Also, I cut out loads of thinspirational pics from different magazines and pasted 'em into my diary. It looks cool and I love to look through it. It motivates me a lot.
  • I bought still water and coke the day before. Whenever I felt hungry, I had a glass of diet coke and told myself it was a full meal. It worked!
  • Whenever I decided to drink water, I had two glasses, not just one. It made me drink more water during the whole day and kept me sorta full, too. 
  • I brushed my teeth at least 3 times (in the morning, in the middle of the day and before bed).
  • I painted my nails and put a fat layer onto them! I couldn't get any food during that long time ;)
  • I constantly put my lipstick on... I have a vanilla coke flavoured one - yummm!
  • I watched a film in the evening (500 Days of Summer).
Fasting made me feel lighter and better :) And I was happy to have done all of the stuff I'd planned before! Clever!

Happy fasting :)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

I didn't eat for three days so I could be lovely.

It's been a while since I last wrote... I usually write in my private diary. Yes, I know, I'm quite anti-social :D
Well, I decided to write a few words today 'cause my friend Tay wants me to. What's new then? I'm sick and... I'm slowly losing weight. I had a bad time and temporary depression but it's kinda gone now. Maybe it's gone just for today... I don't know, we will see.
My scale shows 65 kg. Yes, I totally fucked up my fortnight targets. :/ I was supposed to have reached 64 kg 2 weeks ago so I could walk into the classroom confident and so on... But I weighted 2 kg more... Yhh. This time's going to be better!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Give me one more word...

I cried yesterday. I cried because I miss someone. I cried because I'm so lost and lonely... 
I really miss my friend who left to the UK to live with his ma. I texted him but he never texted me back...

I weighted myself today. The scale shows 66 kg. It means one pound is behind me and it's never gonna come back. God damn it! I'll never weight so much ever again!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Yesterday's dirt and mistakes have moved through me.

''Average. It was the worst, most disgusting word in the English languahe. Nothing meaningful or worthwhile ever came from that word.''
Portia de Rossi, Unbearable Lightness

Yesterday wasn't great but ''Yesterday's dirt and mistakes have moved through me. I am shiny and pink inside, clean. Empty is good. Empty is strong.'' Today's definitely better. I had two slices of crispy bread (20) with mum's avocado creamy sauce (40) and that's it for today. Two days ago I starved myself and I succeeded which makes me glad 'cause it was extremely hard for me to fast. It's been the first starving since February. Many thanks to my friend Tay who really really helped me through this <3

I'm sniffling all day today. I don't know what's happened to my feckin' nose... Allergic reactions, it seems. It's freaking cold outside and I'm just in the house, complaining. 
By the way, I've no idea how to enable comments :( I've messed something up... I'll try to fix it asap. 

Pure butterflies, have a lovely day and remember why yous are doing this for! xxxx

PS. OH YAY, I enabled comments! They're on the top, just under post titles :)

Saturday, 6 October 2012


Today's the 6th of October 2012. 81 days left 'till I go to Ireland. 81 days are 2 months and 21 days. In two months it is possible to lose 10 kg while eating 300-500 calories per day (like Brenda did). Rationally thinking, during 2 months and 21 days it is possible to lose 12-13 kg without any doubts. If I lose so much weight, my scale would show 54-55 kg in December which is as much as I weighted when I reached the lowest number in my whole life... I have to do EVERYTHING to make it happen.